Frank Morawietz


Current living place:
Berlin, Germany

Frank Morawietz

Special coordinator for the activities of French-German Youth Office (DFJW/OFAJ) in South-East Europe

  • My organization:
    The French- German Youth Office (FGYO) is an international organization, created in 1963, serving to foster German-French collaborative efforts through youth exchange. The FGYO supports also the organisation of exchange programs with other countries, with a focus on Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean Sea area. The trilateral programs take place in three phases of one week and in each of the three participating countries.

  • Examples of concrete activities I have organized/am organizing in the field of “dealing with the past”:
    • Organisation of German-French, German-French-Macedonian, German-French-Bosnian and German-French-Croatian exchange-programs with students about “Watching History through the eyes of others” and “Difficult Memory places in Europe”
    • Organisation of multilateral training program for our partner-organisations in France, Germany and SEE about the question: “The French-German relationship from hostility to cooperation – a model for the Balkans?”

  • Concrete challenges I am facing in my “dealing with the past”-related work:

    Besides the topic this European cooperation has always an intercultural level: it’s a challenge to make sure that we are really able to cooperate because we are all coming from different structures, backrounds and cultural contextes.

  • My personal link to/interest for the topic of “dealing with difficult pasts”:
    • There is no good ground for a common future (in Europe) without the conviction that we need in our societies to try to understand our common history together with our neighbours.
    • With more “Europe” we will have more and more mobility in Europe and we need common concepts how to deal with difficult places, how to present those places for a (young) European public
    • There are so different and interesting experiences about these questions in Europe: how to make sure to exchange them and to share experiences?