Dejan Motl


Current living place:
Kozarska Dubica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dejan Motl

Curator-historian at Memorial zone Donja Gradina

  • My organization:
    Donja Gradina was the location of the Jasenovac concentration camp in the Independent State of Croatia during the war. After the establishment of the Memory Area Jasenovac, Donja Gradina was included in it as the biggest place of suffering. With the breakup of Yugoslavia the only Memory Area Jasenovac stays on the territory of Croatia, while Donja Gradina in BiH. In 2003, a public facility named Memory Area Donja Gradina was established with the aim to preserve, present and research the facts about the concentration camp Jasenovac and Donja Gradina.

  • Examples of concrete activities I have organized/am organizing in the field of “dealing with the past”:
    • Project of Memorie divise del '900 which was done together with Instituto Storico della resistenze from Florence/Italy. The project contained lectures about the history of borders between Italy and Yugoslavia/Slovenia and the history of former Yugoslavia starting from the XX century, as well as the lessons on how to improve the life in the border areas.
    • Gathering video testimonies on the topic of “Civil Victims of the Second World War” in cooperation with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • An exhibition regarding the last inmates of Jasenovac camp
    • Seminar o education on Holocaust for teachers of history and Serbian language and literature, Kozarska Dubica 2013

  • Concrete challenges I am facing in my “dealing with the past”-related work:
    • Education
    • Research
    • Presentation

  • My personal link to/interest for the topic of “dealing with difficult pasts”:
    My interest for the topic of dealing with the past derives besides from my personal interest also from my profession as an historian and curator of the Donja Gradina Memorial.