Nedžad Horozović


Current living place:
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nedžad Horozović

Member of the team of Center for Non-violent Action (CNA)

  • My organization:
    The CNA is a peace organization which has been working in BiH since 1997. The organization deals with building sustainable peace in the region of former Yugoslavia through promoting the culture of non-violence, dialogue and establishing trust between individuals and groups and work on the constructive dealing with the past as one of the key factors for building peace.

  • Examples of concrete activities I have organized/am organizing in the field of “dealing with the past”:
    • Four Perspectives public forums with participants in the war in 14 cities in BiH, Serbia and Montenegro
    • Regular program of peace education for mixed groups of participants in the war from BiH, Serbia and Croatia
    • Organizing and giving support to joint actions which contribute to reconciliation, mixed groups of veterans which have gone through our programs of peace education (mutual visits of associations of veterans to marked and unmarked sites of memory, memorials of killed and important sites from past wars in certain areas, marking of unmarked memory sites...)
    • Publishing of books/collections of interviews with citizens of former Yugoslavia (I cannot be well if my neighbor is not – Images of those times)
    • Analysis of models of memoralization in BiH after the last war

  • Concrete challenges I am facing in my “dealing with the past”-related work:
    • How to ensure the necessary engagement of „key“ social groups such as: families of missing and killed persons, the process of dealing with the painful past and establish cooperation while at the same time feel consistency to the values and principles we stand and struggle for
    • How to „meet“ the needs and possibilities of societies when speaking about the process of dealing with the past.

  • My personal link to/interest for the topic of “dealing with difficult pasts”:
    I am a peace activist and I have been working on the territory of former Yugoslavia for over 13 years, while dealing with the past is one of the basis for establishing reconciliation and sustainable peace. Apart from this, I am a citizen of BiH which is a society under the burden of its past. Finally, working on dealing with the past, there are processes on which I work related to the 90s but at the same time, I try to work them with myself also.