
Current living place:
Berlin, Germany

Timon Perabo

Project director of the project “War children – life paths until today” Anne Frank Zentrum.

  • My organization:
    The Anne Frank Zentrum in Berlin is a partner organisation of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Its main focus is to promote across Germany the memory of Anne Frank and her famous diary. The activities of the Anne Frank Zentrum seek to strengthen the values of freedom, equality and democracy and combat Antisemitism, racism and discrimination, especially by developing pedagogical programs fro young people.

  • Examples of concrete activities I have organized/am organizing in the field of “dealing with the past”:

    Project with students from Kosovo, Czech Republic and Germany who investigated together in these three countries how war and expulsion is commemorated there:
    Oral history project on the 1960ies and 1970ies in Kosovo together with the University of Prishtina:
    In the project “War children – life paths until today” young and old people get together in three small East German cities and talk about how the older generation experienced war when they were young and what effect this had on their lives.

  • Concrete challenges I am facing in my “dealing with the past”-related work:
    • There is little interest or support for “dealing with the past”-initiatives from the national governments in SEE
    • There is little knowledge about the history of the Western Balkans in the EU and vice versa

  • My personal link to/interest for the topic of “dealing with difficult pasts”:
    To get to know more about what “dealing with the past”-initiatives
    • are working on in SEE,
    • what methods they use,
    • what challenges they face,
    • what they are lacking
    • what kind of exchange/cooperations with “dealing with the past”-initiatives from the EU they would appreciate.